Be One of Us

Serengeti Safari Marathon participation forms a unique combination of participants from different backgrounds and status with a large proportion from the community of runners and social joggers. The runner’s clubs from all over East Africa come to participate as Teams while a number of companies/organizations bring their sta  with branded running kits for the purpose of marketing and promoting their companies’ services/products. Small and big groups of individuals, families, couples, friends, mates, Conservators, Environmentalists, Government O cials, Private Sector O cers and NGOs all together join this community to welcome international tourists who their participation is constantly growing every year. These groups form a good mix of Elite Athletes, Joggers, Cyclists, Sports Fans, Celebrities, Members of Parliament, Ministers, Regional/District Commissioners, Chief Executive Officers, Overland trucks groups, Colleges, Universities, Primary and Secondary school students and many people from the Lake Zone areas of Tanzania and neighbouring countries. Serengeti Safari Marathon Week brings together a number of companies, organizations and community members to share experience in various matters of investment, tourism value chain needs, employment opportunities, sports, conservation and many more. And all this is done through well organized seminars, trainings, familiarisation trips, exhibitions and sports bonanza.

A huge crowd is mostly seen from EAC and SADC Blocks, Africa, USA, Canada, Europe, Russia, China, Spanish speaking countries, Germany and India to mention a few. A unique diversified cultural experience is made from the mix of Foreigners, Expatriates and East Africans all together.

Serengeti Safari Marathon Organizing Committe is working together with TANAPA and UNDP as Partners joined by a number of other organizations in the form of Sponsorship. This partnership combination in general makes this unique event a very successful one every year especially when it comes to achieve their core objective of improving the living standards of the communities surrounding national parks through Sports Tourism which brings more business, conservation and tourism awareness locally and globally.