conservation & community development

conservation & community development

A number of efforts are in place to promote conservation around all protected areas including Serengeti National Park. The best and nearest conservationists are the surrounding local communities who must know and benefit from the whole Tourism Value Chain activities. Due to the above fact, different community members as individuals, groups or institutions enjoys the opportunity of attending different seminars and trainings on mainly how to benefit from the presence of protected areas in the Lake Zone regions including Simiyu and Mara. This is done together with a number of community development projects stakeholders such UNDP, TAHA, FZS, NMB Bank, CRDB Bank, IRDB, CTP Mto-wa-Mbu, TCCIA Mara and Simiyu, TANAPA, TAWA, DCs Offices (Bunda and Busega), Individuals, Sports Officials and many more others. Farming (local/green houses), livestock keeping, Poultry, Fishing, Mining, Guided Activities, Cultural Tourism and many more forms the major components of the trainings and seminars presentations in the efforts to make sure the local communities surrounding the protected areas are fully engaged and benefit from the Tourism Value Chain by either being employed, self-employment or trading. Conservationists are always attending this event and be given an opportunity to talk and educate the surrounding communities as well as the rest of the participants from all corners of Tanzania and world in general. De-snaring project under Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) always gives a talk on the progress and future plans of the project. This year UNDP is introducing a new project for the kids to participate in running with all running gears as they have been very good pace-makers for many runners.